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Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

definition of letter

understanding Letter
The letter is a means of communication to convey information written by one party to another. Its functions include five things: a means of notices, requests, thoughts, and ideas, written evidence, as a reminder, the historical evidence, and guidelines. In general, it takes stamps and envelopes as a means of exchange for paying the shipping service. The further purpose of sending of the values listed in stamps must be greater as well.

type Letter
Letters are generally classified into three personal letters, official letters, and commercial letters when viewed in terms of form, content, and language. Whereas if classified based based usage can be divided into three, namely personal letter, official letters, and official letters.

personal letter
Personal letter is a letter that is used for private purposes. Letters may be a correspondence among friends or family. The characteristics of a private letter, namely:

1. Do not use letterhead
2. There is no number of letters
3. Regards the opening and closing varies
4. The use of free language, as desired author
5. Format manumission

Official Letter
Official letter is a letter that is used for legitimate interests, whether individuals, institutions, and organizations; eg invitations, newsletters, and notices. The characteristics of an official letter:

1. Using letterhead when issued organization
2.There number of letters, attachments, and subject
3. Use salutation and closing common
4.Penggunaan official language diversity
5.Menyertakan seal or stamp of official agency
6. There formatting rules bakuBagian-part formal letter:
· Head / letterhead
Letterhead consists of:
1. Name of institution / agency, written in capital letters / uppercase.
2. Address of institution / agency, written with capital letters and small variations
3. Logo agency / agencies
· Number of letters, the sequence of letters sent
· Appendix, contains another sheet that is included in addition to the letter
· This, in the form of an outline of the contents of the letter
· Date of letter (writing on the right level with the number of letters)
· The destination address (do not use the word)
· Opener / greeting (ending comma)
Content of letter

Describing the content of the form of the description, date, time, place, and so on lowercase, with the exception of writing based on the enhanced spelling (EYD) must adjust.
· Cover letter
Cover letter, containing:
1. greeting cover
2. positions
3. signature
4. The name (usually accompanied by parent number of employees or NIP)
· A copy of the letter, in the form of inclusion / notification to the supervisor about the existence of an activity

Letters Commerce
Letters are used for commercial entities conducting business activities such as trade and business services industries. This letter is very useful in building relationships with outside parties that must be prepared well. Letters consist of securities trading transactions, receipts, and trade; and can be divided into internal trade letters and letters of external trade. One example of a commercial letter of offer letter and letter adalan billing.

letter Office
Official letter is used for the benefit of formal employment as official agencies and office tasks. This letter is important in administrative management in an agency. The function of the official letter is a document written evidence, related to its function as a reminder for the archives, historical evidence on development agencies, and the guidelines in the form of decrees and letters of instruction. Characteristics official letter:
1. Using the letterhead and the agency or agencies concerned
2. Using a number of letters, attachments, and subject
3. Using the greeting and closing raw
4. Using the standard language or official variety
5. Using a seal or stamp agency or office letter maker
6. specific letter format

Application Letter
Job application letter is a letter that is created and delivered by someone who wants to work in an office, company or particular institutions. Job application letter including letter or official agencies. Therefore, there are certain rules that must be considered in writing. In general, the letter has sections as follows:
· Place and date of the letter
Reference number
· Attachment
· It or subject
· Address destination
· The contents of the letter were divided into three main sections, namely:
1. The opening paragraph
2. The contents of the letter
3. The closing paragraph
· Signature and bright name

explanation memo

Memo function is used to remind, insists on a matter or matters. The contents of the memo form of requests, instructions, notices, suggestions, messages, and specific tasks.

definition or understanding memo

Memo parts just like regular mail, such as the head, the body, and the legs memo. For more details can be seen below:

     Head: Name, Address, emblem or logo usually Agencies.
     Body: content / short message (provide information, instruction or report).
     Feet: signature and name of the manufacturer memoat memo.

There are also types of scrap, such as:

     Memo is official - Memo is officially adopted as a statement of the formal relationship of a leader to his subordinates.
     Memo Memo personal personal - used used as a memorandum or letter is not an official statement among friends, relatives, or others who have a close relationship. That's about the sense of formal and informal memos.

And here's the steps to write or create a memo:

     Prepare a blank memo will be used.
     Writing may be typed or handwritten.
     Convey a message or instructions with the appropriate language, concise and understandable.
     And Signing and include the name of the manufacturer clearly memo, sent a memo to the person on the go.

That article on the definition or understanding memo, may be useful in understanding and ...